the silent covid-19 which is another term for covid-1id-19 tt is no symptoms which most normal americans so that is like good news, that is like were sort of moving kind of where we would like to go with this. and as doctor redfield said, 20 with us in dealing with the symptoms and dealing with people who are most vulnerable to it and protecting them is probably the best way forward not this political thing that biden and administration is doing. tammy: it when we talk about schools that were going to do with the kids and with the planning to the kids, there are schools across the united states are having to go back to remote learning because of the staffing problems which is heartbreaking but there s an interesting case, the pope and appoint folks to come out of california la county, the la county health department there has implemented something called test to stay in the did this in the phone they allowed some schools to go to tested tuesday, is said that the