On Thursday, the California Rangeland Trust announced the 9,400-acre Silacci Ranch's conservation was finalized with funding from the California Wildlife Conservation Board, the California Strategic Growth Council's Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program in collaboration with the California Department of Conservation, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation through Walmart's Acres for America program, and a donation by the Silacci family themselves.
Important! For Dead Doctors Don t Lie Use: 888-379-2552 Silacci Ranch Conserved 12-20-20 11:49 S.S.
A conservation easement will now preserve more than 9,000 acres on an active cattle ranch in the Gabilan mountain range outside Salinas. The rangeland on the 9,418 acre Silacci Ranch, which is almost 2/3rds the size of the city of Salinas, will now be preserved as rangeland..while retaining many private property rights of the landowner. The conservation easement means that the land cannot be subdivided, developed, or converted for intensive agriculture.