Between 2003 and 2015, monthly alcohol consumption among young people fell in the Baltic States, as well as in Finland and Sweden. Young people in Lithuania now consume half as much alcohol as at the beginning of the century. While alcohol consumption among young people in all these countries studied has decreased, at times, the consumption levels are bigger among girls, according to a study by Estonian health researchers.
Aastatel 2003–2015 vähenes alkoholi igakuine tarvitamine noorte seas nii Baltimaades kui ka Soomes ja Rootsis. Sealjuures tarvitavad Leedu noored nüüdseks kaks korda vähem alkoholi kui sajandi alguses. Ehkki kõigi uuritud riikide noorte alkoholitarvitamine on vähenenud, ületab see tüdrukutel kohati poiste oma, selgub Eesti terviseteadlaste uuringust.