BOSTON — The state has declared Berkshire County to be in a Level-1 Mild Drought, as 90 percent of Massachusetts is experiencing drought conditions. Energy and Environmental.
Due to several significant rain events occurring throughout most of Massachusetts during late April and early May, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Kathleen Theoharides announced that conditions have improved in the Northeast and Southeast Regions of the Commonwealth, and declared Level 0-Normal Conditions in each region while the Western, Connecticut River Valley, Central, and Cape Cod Regions remain at a Level 1-Mild Drought, unchanged from last month. The Islands Region remains at a Level 0-Normal Conditions, unchanged from last month. While recent rain events over the last few weeks have resulted in substantial improvement in the Northeast and Southeast regions, drought conditions remain in many areas of the Commonwealth, said EEA Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. As we continue to respond to these drought conditions and closely monitor key data points to ensure a full recovery for our natural resources, we urge residents and businesses to be mindful