and profiteering from corporations and profiteering from corporations and we need to make that clear. the osition of and we need to make that clear. the position of the government is they have said do not seek pay rises because it will continue to see inflation go up. it will be a situation across the piece. signed mike that is in a ridiculous thing for the government to say, don t seek pay rises so nurses and teachers will have to go to food banks to survive. for all that nonsensical clapping heroes during the pandemic, the government seems to have forgotten how much all of these people, whether they be refuse collectors are council workers or teachers or nurses are railway staff are bus drivers signed my car and lorry drivers, they cap to sell the length and people can just say that s all right, i will go without a pay rise. people cannotjust
The NFL offseason has been headlined by big moves, but not all of them have made sense. These moves were the most head-scratching of the 2022 offseason.