21/08/2023 - Le proiezioni lettoni si svolgeranno il 23 e 24 agosto al cinema K Suns di Riga, e il programma include film quali Parade, Kalev, Poop, Spring and the Others e The Poet
21/08/2023 - Les projections auront lieu les 23 et 24 août au cinéma K Suns de Riga ; au programme, on peut citer Parade, Kalev, Poop, Spring and the Others et The Poet
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry’s first festival honored filmmakers for contributions to animation and cinema; competitive categories ranged from ‘Best Animated Feature’ to ‘Visionary Use of Technology in Short Film’ with animated works garnering 12 awards.
There are a lot of books about animating and recently I read three that deserve to be on every animator’s bookshelf. They are enjoyable to read and full of excellent tips and information for novice