this month, these flyers like this will need to be handed out and on display in stores. take a look. cell phones emit radio-frequency energy. you ll start seeing those here in san francisco along with specific tips on what to do including limiting cell phone use by children, using a headset, using belt clips, avoiding cell phones in weak signal areas. this is something, again, we ve been reporting on for some time. concern that using a cell phone for too long, too many years could potentially be problematic to your health. the world health organization even weighing in on this earlier this year saying they now consider cell phone radiation the non-ionizing radiation, a plausible carcinogen, something that could cause cancer. at least here in san francisco, you ll see flyers like this for some time to come. so exactly how do we best protect kids from head injuries, especially head injuries related to sports? scientists are making incredible headway trying to link these hits
specific tips on what to do including limiting cell phone use by children, using a headset, using belt clips, avoiding cell phones in weak signal areas. this is something, again, we ve been reporting on for some time. concern that using a cell phone for too long, too many years could potentially problematic to your health. the world health organization even weighing in on this earlier this year saying they now consider cell phone radiation the nonionizing radiation a plausible carcinogen, something that could cause cancer. at least here in san francisco, you ll see flyers like this for some time to come. so exactly how do we best protect kids from head injuries, especially head injuries related to sports? scientists are making incredible headway trying to link these hits on football fields, for example, with mood swings, with depression, with even suicide. something that we ve talked about quite a bit. there is a signature injury. and we re starting to see it in people younge
self-imposed deadline for a deal and still there is no deal. some on capitol hill, some of even the president s allies are saying this is now in their view time to cut bait and stop going for this big deficit reductions package they ve been talking about and just find the easiest path forward to get the debt ceiling raised and worry about deficit reductions at another time. you know, it seemed like there was some enthusiasm and some progress yesterday. but if the two sides are even further dug in, even further apart so to speak, why is the president still pushing for something big? reporter: well, there s the overt politics of it. he seems to be nominally winning. the republicans in public polls are doing less well and are getting more blame than the president, in part because he s going for something big. but there s also just the simple fact that they have to figure out a way to get votes in the house of representatives to raise the debt ceiling. and they can t get thos
becoming an abnormal crisis. what happened today? reporter: well, there was a lot of process, sanjay. and a lot of discussion and still no break through is the bottom line. we are less than two days away from the president s self-imposed july 22nd deadline for a deal. and still there is no deal. and now some on capitol hill, some of even the president s allies are saying this is now in their view time to cut bait and stop going for the big deficit reductions package they ve been talk about and find the easiest path forward to get the debt ceiling raised and worry about deficit reductions at another time. it seem like there was some enthusiasm and progress yesterday. but if the two sides are even further dug in, even further apart so to speak, why is the president still pushing for something big? reporter: well, there s the overt politics of it. he seems to be nominally winning. the republicans and public polls are doing less well and are getting more blame than the pres
this is a very complex issue. thank god we re living where we re living. because we ve accomplished in the last five or six years, our society, more research into brain damage and any form of concussion more so than the past few hundred years. so we ve got the technology to do the job. the tools are there. that s correct. now we need to get it done. describe for us what this brain trauma situation is, where we re talking about concussions. where they come back. they are untreated. what is exactly this jury of shell shock or ptsd? well, what happens is on the field, and you know, not only is it the signature injury, as you pointed out, of the two wars, primarily through the roadside bombs, the soldiers don t even know if they ve got a concussion. if we don t have the proper testing when they come off the field, and i veeen pushing r, as well as a bipartisan