Verification is still seeing impersonation, and encrypted DMs still has no breakthrough. Elon Musk's Twitter patronage is not off to a great start, as when he thought giving the people the power to rule over social media would not blow up on him did when impersonations and fake accounts proliferated.
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Here s why Elon Musk recommends using Signal over WhatsApp.
WhatsApp has recently announced new terms of service and privacy policy that now allows the company to share user data with Facebook. With this, the privacy of the users is being affected and they are now looking to switch towards other apps. One popular alternative to WhatsApp is Telegram. However, Elon Musk is recommending people to download an app called Signal.Â
Signal noticed a significant jump in the number of new users right after Elon Musk s tweet. In his tweet, Elon Musk just said, âUse Signalâ advising his followers to use the privacy-focused app over WhatsApp. In case you have been using Telegram or Signal already, you also might have noticed a spike in your contacts available on the app.