masks, exercise is hard enough. and, you know, to make somebody, you know, mask up to run or lift, it s redick luz, they there was a lot of push back, we had some people that real avid people that pushed through it. but a lot of people didn t. ainsley: michelle, are you seeing more people where they want to find a gym where they don t have to wear a mask? yeah, absolutely our membership has increased dramatically. five sign ups to every one cancel because of the mask mandate. they don t agree with us not allowing it we have increased our membership. absolutely. steve: ron, we see one guy was on the treadmill behind you for a moment. we know that every since the pandemic struck, business has not been great. and i know you have struggled financially. but what about the threat of a thousand dollar fine by flying in the face of what the governor wants you to do? you know, when it come right
remember they cancel an academy class last year. there were not enough sign-ups or interest, what does this do to hollow out the police force. you cannot blame them this is all entirely the fault the politicians, the democrats built their platform around defunded the police, celebrating the riots, celebrating the rioters for two years, you cannot be surprised when you have spikes in crime and cops leaving the force and throwing up their hands. tammy: can we remind people that new york elected the most republicans only five for the city council, republican swept other seats they were expected to sweep and long island. even new yorkers were aware that they needed to be a change but it s got to go further in the last new that they were never going to defend the police what they wanted was to create this attitude in a way to fight back
feel a lot of pressure to get vaccinated, and although that might convince some people who may be on the fence i just convince some people who may be on the fence ijust haven t got convince some people who may be on the fence i just haven t got around to vaccinating yet, it also leads to some people to become more hesitant or resistant to getting vaccinated. and this is important because, as we have been saying, it is being debated right now in the scottish parliament, whether to have vaccine passports. it looks like it is going to go through. you are saying potentially it could be counter productive? potentially it could be counter-productive? potentially it could be counter- roductive? . ,, counter-productive? yeah, i think there is potential counter-productive? yeah, i think there is potential short-term - there is potential short term benefits. in other places like france we did see that once these measures were announced and put into place there was an increase in sign ups for t