Bed nets save lives in the long run, according to a 22-year study in Tanzania which, for the first time, indicates that children who sleep under them at an early age are more likely to survive into adulthood.
Get latest articles and stories on Health at LatestLY. Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease caused by a parasite that commonly infects a certain type of mosquito which feeds on humans. Now, for the first time, a 22-year study in Tanzania has said that bed nets saved lives in the long run, which indicated that children who slept under them at an early age were more likely to survive into adulthood. Health News | Study Finds Malaria Control in Young Children Saves Lives into Adulthood.
Bed nets save lives in the long run, according to a 22-year study in Tanzania which, for the first time, indicates that children who sleep under them at an early age are more likely to survive into adulthood.