Assets about 89 to 90 of them of 1 billion or under this bill is for the big banks. And the big banks are doing quite well. Last year, the banks made record profits. 171 billion. Community banks grew at 8. 3 . Big banks, 4. rate. They are lending to businesses at a record level. But the contention cannot be its because the banks are losing money. It has very little to do how much money they are losing but big banks would like to be deregulated and get back to the business as usual that caused the crisis of 2008. Mr. Speaker, there are 30 big banks that this bill will impact, worth more than 5 trillion in assets. This bill is needed because if we simply allow this bill is not needed, excuse me. Because if this bill is implemented it will cause banks not to be placed under the 50 billion threshold except from regulation from the prudential regulator. Metlife is a pretty good example of what could happen. Metlife is tied up in court probably indefinitely, because the big banks have big bu