U.S. stocks edged lower midway through trading, with the S&P 500 trading slightly lower on Tuesday. The Dow traded down 0.11% to 32,892.75 while the NASDAQ fell 0.23% to 12,760.61. The S&P 500 also fell, dropping, 0.01% to 4,166.81.
U.S. stocks turned higher toward the end of trading, with the Dow Jones index gaining around 50 points on Tuesday. The Dow traded up 0.15% to 32,978.85 while the NASDAQ rose 0.20% to 12,814.52. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.38% to 4,182.85.
Gainers SciSparc Ltd. (NASDAQ: SPRC) shares climbed 80% to $6.14 after the company announced it received notice of acceptance from the Australian patent office for its patent application for Combination of Opioids and N-Acylethanolamines for pain treatment.
The global medical aesthetics market is growing at a CAGR of 12.5% during 2021–2028.Pune, India, Oct. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Aesthetic Medicine comprises all medical procedures that are aimed at improving the physical appearance and satisfaction of the patient, using non-invasive to minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. The Aesthetic Medicine specialty is not confined to dermatologists and plastic surgeons as doctors of all specialties seek to offer services to address their patient's ae