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On April 15 testimony was heard before the Taxation Committee in support of L.D. 428, an Act to Prevent Tax Haven Abuse.
This act would hold corporations accountable to pay taxes on all the profits from income generated in Maine. The corporations have used these havens to help them avoid paying their fair share of taxes. That is unfair and needs to be changed.
I owned a small business for 35 years, and every year I paid taxes on the profit my business made. Why is a corporation allowed to hide some of its profits in tax havens? In Maine there is no tax haven that protects citizens or small business owners from paying taxes on the income or the profit they generate.
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A recent letter to the editor “Support for Electoral College“, Robert Casimiro, Jan 29 left out some important facts.
We can all have opinions, but facts matter, and in his letter he does an injustice to the truth when he states there was no mention of slavery concerning the compromise that the Electoral College reached in 1787.
A major factor of this deal was the three-fifths compromise, which was based on slavery. It counted three-fifths of each state’s slave population toward that state’s total population for the purpose of apportioning the House of Representatives.
In the U.S. Constitution, the three-fifths compromise is part of Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3. In 1868, Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment superseded this clause and explicitly repealed the compromise.