In this episode I previewed a weekend of fun shows which my band Russian Tim and Pavel Bures is playing:July 28th, Dead Bars, Dead End Drive-In, RTPB, Bosses @ Green AutoJuly 29th, RTPB, Spencer Jo, Sidney Bos @ Record City, VernonJuly 30th, RTPB, Invasives, SoundCity Hooligans, Let s Go @ Blue Grotto, KamlooopsDead BarsSplit w/ Sunshine StateJust FineDead End Drive-InA Worthwhile EndeavourBefore I Start NoticingBOSSESWe Died HereThis I KnowRussian Tim and Pavel BuresZakatZakatDead BarsDream GigEarplug GirlInvasivesFeel Good Live ForeverAbstract WorldSoundCity HooligansLive LoudSaints in a RowLet s Go!Disposable YearSound The AlarmRussian Tim and Pavel BuresDisko BoyDisko BoySpencer JoHowlHowlSidney BosNovelty Always DiesFlower FaceRussian Tim and Pavel BuresSomething More In RussianShkolaDead BarsRegularsNo Tattoos