Interest fee, equal to one percent of the loan amount, that is deducted in advance by the lender. As, Many banks no longer charge points in granting a m.
When weighing gemstones, a point is one-hundredth of a carat.
Fri Jan 21 2000 at 23:43:42
Interestfee, equal to onepercent of the loan amount, that is deducted in advance by the lender. As, Many banks no longer charge points in granting a mortgage. Latin
Sat May 13 2000 at 8:29:57
The current location of the cursor in (X)Emacs. The region is defined to be the area between mark and point.
On a buck (a male deer), the sharp ends of his horns.
After you ve seen a buck, people will ask you how
many points it had, and if you reply with a high number