Sidharth Shukla s fans took to their social media handles and remembered his fine acting as Broken But Beautiful 3 turned one on Sunday. Not only this but many even recalled how soon he left for the heavenly abode. Not just Sidharth but even his close friend Shehnaaz Gill also started trending. Th
Months have passed since Sidharth Shukla s death but the actor is still remembered amongst his fans a lot. Not only this but recently when his social media accounts got memorialised, discussions about him began once again and soon hashtag #SidharthShuklaLivesOn started trending on the micro-blogging
Slowly and steadily, Shehnaaz Gill was seen moving on in her life and was clicked at various events be it spending time in an orphanage or attending her manager s engagement. Well now, she shared a video of a conversation she recently had with spiritual guru BK Shivani during which she was seen sp
The best phase of Sidharth Shukla s career started in 2020 with the hit reality show Bigg Boss 13 that amassed him a fan following like never before. His angry young man avatar, his clashes with co-contestants including Asim Riaz, Rashami Desai, and friendship with Shehnaaz Gill stole the limeligh
Born on December 12 1980 in Mumbai, Sidharth, who held a degree in interior designing, chose to switch gears to the modelling field, where he clinched the runner-up position in Gladrags Manhunt and Mega model Contest in 2004. He emerged as the winner of the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 13.