On Saturday, the makers of Indian Police Force unveiled the teaser of the show. The show which is helmed by Rohit Shetty features Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty Kundra and Vivek Oberoi in lead roles. - Indian Police Force Teaser: Rohit Shetty s Action-Thriller Series Promises High-Octane Drama as Sidharth Malhotra Dons Uniform
Fukrey 3: Mrighdeep Singh Lamba Shares A Latest Development & We Canât Keep Calm!
Starring Ali Fazal, Richa Chadha, Varun Sharma, Pulkit Samrat, Manjot Singh and Pankaj Tripathi, Fukrey 3 is set to commence shooting in a matter of months.
February 1, 2021
Fukrey 3 To Go On Floors In 2 Months, Director Mrighdeep Singh Lamba Shares Details(Pic Credit: IMDb)
In September last year, director Mrighdeep Singh Lamba took to social media and announced that the third part to his hit comedy film franchise would be coming soon. Starring Ali Fazal, Richa Chadha, Varun Sharma, Pulkit Samrat, Manjot Singh and Pankaj Tripathi, Fukrey 3 is set to commence shooting in a matter of months.
Alia Spends Sunday With Boyfriend Ranbir & His Family; Sidharth Malhotra Dons A Police Uniform For Thank God
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are one of the most talked about and adored couples of Tinsel Town. They are also two of the busiest and most sought-after actors of Bollywood. So when they do have free time, they try their best to spend it with their family and each other. For instance, today Alia and Ranbir spent their Sunday with the latter’s sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, her husband Bharat and their daughter Samara. Much to our delight, Riddhima shared a glimpse of their cozy day in on social media along with the caption: “Fam Jam -Sunday ♥️ missed @neetu54 @sonirazdan @shaheenb ❤️ #sundaylunchathome.”