some type of political issue to try to smear me as if i had something to do with it, we re not playing their game. doesn t look like he s police station playing their game, but to condemn neo-nazis in your state, sounds to me like he s taking a page out of donald trump s very fine people on both sides charlottesville playbook here. yeah. i mean, it s so easy to condemn nazis. you don t even have to talk about whether they like him or not. just go, oh, there s nazis, that s bad. if i see someone doing a nazi salute wearing a tiny mustache at a rally, i would say screw those guys. i wouldn t wait to see if they were charlie chaplain super fans greeting each other from a distance. i would condemn them first and then apologize if it turned out they were suffering from shoulder pain and their facial hair was an homage to that one hanes ad.