we have newt gingrich said it was social engineering at its worst. so republicans speak out against it as you know newt gingrich had to walk himself back and social it s social engineering by the right wing is one of the greatest plans to hit america. in terms of that forgive the term flip-flopping by newt gingrich, the multipositions on it by senator scott brown that you eluded to and the voting of new york 26, that all points in the same direction towards the political potentsy of voters seeing the different between two parties being that one will protect medicare and one is going after it. at the same time on the house side stephane diony hoyer is saying that medicare must be on the table for discussions about deficit cutting. do democrats have a clear message? steny would reflect back a few months ago, we saved half a trillion dollars in our health care plan. we increased benefits, making
at the same time on the house side stephane diony hoyer is saying that medicare must be on the table for discussions about deficit cutting. do democrats have a clear message? steny would reflect back a few months ago, we saved half a trillion dollars in our health care plan. we increased benefits, making things better. getting rid of fraud and abuse and we extended the life of medicare. so of course this is a huge plan and there s money to be saved. and we proved it can be done and take care of medicare patients. in terms of the political messaging there, that move that you just described with medicare and health reform was the source of a million republican attack ads in the 2010 elections. they described that as dismantling medicare. can the democratic party say assert there you have a clear medicare message that can t be distorted by your opponents and that does draw a quick distinction between you and the republicans? we did it. we proved in our health care bill that medica
while on again, off again. now he s against it. we have newt gingrich said it was social engineering at its worst. so republicans speak out against it as you know newt gingrich had to walk himself back and social it s social engineering by the right wing is one of the greatest plans to hit america. in terms of that forgive the term flip-flopping by newt gingrich, the multipositions on it by senator scott brown that you eluded to and the voting of new york 26, that all points in the same direction towards the political potentsy of voters seeing the different between two parties being that one will protect medicare and one is going after it. at the same time on the house side stephane diony hoyer is saying that medicare must be on the table for discussions about deficit cutting. do democrats have a clear message? steny would reflect back a few months ago, we saved half a