to step down, we re going to make history. the quick round robin, do you think briars still thinking about it or do you think the pressure actually made him dig in his heels? i think justice breyer doesn t want the court to be politicized, and i m relieved to see the people were having this shameful forcing of hands, or attempting to, aren t going to be rewarded with a seat in the supreme court. it s disgraceful to have this kind of pressure put on a supreme court traverses for a partisan reason so they could put a younger person in. shannon: harry? i agree. it s silly to say this is some kind of new pressure campaign. at the same thing happened with kennedy, the same thing happens when there s a new appointment o be made. people on that side say, why don t they retire? is nothing nefarious about it. shannon: it didn t work with rbg.
joe biden when he was running for the president the first time he said i m not going to own a stock or a bond because i want to avoid any conflict of interest. well here you are. we talked about the yo ukraine,e haven t even talked about china which we brought up very early on. one of the main reasons brian, all of the democrats are trying to run as president trump s moral superior, we have to return this country back to the case, where we use the right language, we are doing things aboveboard. and i think what people on the trump side say, president trump is bringing out in the open what s going on. and the democrats don t have this memorial superior position.
government shutdown. paul: right. the question is how is he going to get that back in the public eye. paul: i want to get there. i want to ask you, kim, a a lot of the restrictionists on the shutdown, a lot of people who have been pushing the president to do whatever it takes to get the funding for the border or wall are now blaming him for following their advice. i guess they wanted to see his approval rating fall even lower? is that fair criticism? no, and it s mystifying, paul. look, here s what we just learned from this shutdown, okay? for years now we ve had a number of people on the conservative side say, you know, shutdowns can work if only you are just tough enough, okay? but you go back to 2013 when the republicans shut down the government over obamacare, it didn t work, it wasn t a successful strategy. you still have those people who go, oh, well, if you hold out even longer, it might have. we just had a president hold out
sister hood. hans nichols, anyone at the white house watching this? we don t have hans. jill, we ll go to you. anyone at the white house watching this? i imagine they are. there are a lot of people who are not at the white house today because the shutdown continues into the 13th day with a lot of people furloughed. there s one press wrangler about himself, but this is tuned on all the televisions. look, this is a brand new era for the trump administration. they now begin this new era of divided government in washington and it s going to be very difficult for this president. we ve heard some conflicting messages from him. in his cabinet meeting he talked about how he wanted to work together. talked about areas of bipartisanship. infrastructure, you also had the president on the flip side say if democrats start using their subpoena power, he s going to be in a war-like posture. this is a president when under attack digs in and doubles down.
so as not to overreach or to make sure that this doesn t somehow backfire on them? absolutely. we ve heard representative adam schiff who will be chairing the intel committee on the house side say that they will be careful about what kinds of investigations and what kinds of subpoenas an information requests they are sending over to the white house and that s particularly interesting too just as president trump on boarding temporary chief of staff, that s going to be very important for chief of staff to segregate out those kinds of requests from running the white house and national agenda. arthel: shannon, you didn t come here to talk about this but you probably know the answer or done reporting on it so i will shoot it out there to you, do you think they ll be a partial government shutdown come friday? it s definitely possible, we heard the president say that he s willing to take the mantle for that, willing to take responsibility but we hear him flipping and saying that he is doi