Two bright stars of the entertainment industry, Nazia Haque Orsha and Mostafizur Noor Imran, shared their wedding vows during the last quarter of 2023. However, they announced the news to the world just recently. The newly-wedded couple shared their love story with The Daily Star.
The much-anticipated trailer of the crime thriller series "Agochora" was unveiled yesterday, promising an intense narrative brought to life by actors Fazlur Rahman Babu, Zakia Bari Mamo, and Intekhab Dinar in the lead roles. The gripping 10-episode series is set against the backdrop of the underworld in old Dhaka, offering a riveting exploration of crime and politics.
Keeping the momentum going, Zakia Bari Mamo recently announced two new web series that are set to be released on different OTT platforms next month. The first one is "Sharey Shawlo," directed by Yasir Al Haque, while the second is "Agochora," directed by Siddiq Ahamed.
Intekhab Dinar has been able to redefine his career when upon stepping into the revolution that was Bangladeshi OTT coming up with one after another tremendous performances in this medium. Two of the projects featuring Dinar, released yesterday in two popular OTT platforms Chorki and Hoichoi. One is the much-anticipated part 2 of the Syed Ahmed Shawki directorial “Karagar”,
Chorki’s original anthological-series, “Jaago Bahey”, has been nominated in the ‘Best Drama Series' category at the Asian Academy Creative Awards 2022.