The Chandwa police in Latehar district have nabbed all the 13 accused of lynching the tribal couple to death said the SP Latehar Anjani Anjan. The 13 arrested were remanded in judicial custody today added the SP.
An elderly Ganjhu couple was lynched to death on the intervening night of Tuesday
A couple was thrashed to death on the suspicion of witchcraft following the panchayat's order in Fasla village in Jharkhand's Latehar district.The couple was thrashed to death on Tuesday after the panchayat claimed that the village is getting .
The couple was thrashed to death on Tuesday after the panchayat claimed that the village is getting affected adversely due to their black magic. Jharkhand Mob Lynching: Couple Beaten to Death in Latehar Over Witchcraft Suspicion.