With the June holidays around the corner, why not take your kids out for a nice meal as a family? If you're worried about your wallet, here's the good news: your kids can eat for free at these places! [embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/CWH6HhqNQ00/?utm source=ig web copy link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==[/embed] Promo: 1 free Kids Meal with purchase of 2 Main Courses The menu: The Mushroom Cream Spaghetti or Beef Bolognese.
More than four years after a fire tore through his ByWard Market restaurant, the owner of Vittoria Trattoria says he hopes to begin rebuilding the site in the next few months.
Old Shanghai restaurant owners have been allowed back into the building to salvage the food they would have served to customers before being abruptly locked out last month.