no-pay bill along with a no-government shutdown bill. i think senator ron johnson, and many of us with him, are going to be putting another alternative out there. every democratic voted for that bill, by the way, when it came through committee. wet can t shut the government down. republicans always get left holding the bag on that one. on the other hand, we ve got to start doing things that s going to rein in these structural trillion dollar deficits. indiana senator mike braun, thanks for being with us live from capitol hill. among other guests, andrew will cause with house intelligence chairman adam sheaf and wrong man hakeem jeffries on with katy at 2:00 p.m. eastern. much more ahead with my colleague craig melvin back in new york. good to see you. craig melvin, msnbc headquarters
polling out there right now. no one really wakes up in the morning except for donald trump and his fan boys and says we have to build a wall. they look at the border as a different kind of security problem and with different and more effective ways that are out there. nobody wants to look at this, at this problem and say in the senate and say, oh, god, i have to go out and defend an $8 billion recapitulation of the entire think that we shut down the government for. that cost the president polling position, that cost us polling position. that was the wrong policy and the wrong thing and it s a giant budget buster. none of that makes sense in terms of moving the political ball in the senate. those guys are in the same spot they were on the $1.37 billion that ended up passing for fencing and repairs in the prior shutdown bill. it s not going to go anywhere. it s just the president rage tweeting as he likes to do. rick wilson, a frequent guest of ours, is a political pro. and that s no
government for. it wacost us polling position. none of that makes sense in terms of moving the political ball in the senate. those guys are in the same spot they were on the $1.37 billion that ended up passing for fencing and repairs in the prior shutdown bill. it s not going to go anywhere. it s just the president rage tweeting as he likes to do. rick wilson, a political pro. he is an author and he is a per scope and twitter enthusiast. we love all of it. thank you so much for coming on our broadcast. did a new voice just rise above the den among the democrats in the run for 2020? we ll ask two veteran reporters covering all the presidential developments when we come back. developments when we come back. i have a vision correction number,
wall fight will be a legal one and it will go back to the straight up political arena. the president will say, i m now trying to build my wall, i m doing everything i want, and the obstructionist democrats, whether it be the house democrats or the california attorney general, they re stopping me from building my wall. and they ll say, it s our job to stop him. who voted for the shutdown bill and who didn t gets pushed aside, it s too nuanced an argument. it s sign in the democratic field right now, people who want to govern and break through the obstruction and people who want to run on burning everything down, tearing everything down this president is associated with, and energizing the liberal base and their white hot hatred of the president. it s going to energize the president s base, nothing fires them up like the border wall. exactly. thanks for being here, great to see you both. coming up, top target.
relief for puerto rico. well it was in the house side of the shutdown bill, but not in the senate side. and so i m this is my i came here eight times as a governor, this is my first time here as a senator. i meet with the governor, lieutenant-governor, a bunch of business leaders, the speaker of the house and say what are your needs, how can i be helpful? i will work hard to be the voice for puerto rico in the u.s. senate. it s important you there are on the island talking to those leaders and finding out what is needed there at this point. senator scott, as i said, up until a month ago you were a governor. governor ralph northam of virginia is taking a lot of heat this morning for the racist photo that was on his medical school yearbook page. should he resign? what should governor northam do now? well, i think he clearly should resign. the pictures are horrible, but on top of that what he said about new baby, that possibly would not be taken care to make