That you couldnt havE On NEtwork TElEvIsIOn. PEoplElE arE REalllly Tryg tO Do O SomEthIng advEnturou. [both gasp] Alall ChannElEl 7, ShamE E On. ThIs Is morErE a cElEbrbratIOn of C CulturE and opEnIng thE doors and allowIng amErIca to ComE On I InsIdE. ThErEs alwayS SomEthIng On tElEvIsIOn, and sosomE of It May B bE bEr than WE E dEsErvE. [laughs]s] that wasas cool. [d[dramatIc musIc] lIstEn to It. Oh [crowd chEErIng] ThEy Know whEn It hIts tHE Bottom, Itll bE 1990. GoodbyE to thE 80s In. All tEn, nInE. All EIght. EIEIght EIghtht EIght oh whEn ThE 90s bEgIn,Ear wErE startIng to sEE A Lolot of ExpErErImEntatIOn. [gununshots] all l [quIckly]y] sEvEn, sIsIx, four, ththrEE, two, OnE [chEErInIng] and d thE sImpsOns, I thInk, In n somE sEnsEsEs was InspIrEd by not nEcEssarIly a hatrEd of tElEvIsIsIOn but a dIstrurust of a lot of ThthE Ways In WhIchch TElEvIsIoIOn was talkIng toto us. Tv r rEspEcts mEmE. It l laughs wIthth mE, nOnot at mE. [laughIng]g] you stupId doh I thInk k thE SItcomoms O
And opening the doors and allowing america to come on inside. Theres always something on television, and some of it may be better than we deserve. This is more a celebration of culture, opening the doors and allowing america to come on inside. Theres always something on television, and some of it may be better than we deserve. What was cool. Listen to it. Oh [crowd cheering] they know when it hits the bottom, itll be 1990. Goodbye to the 80s in. All ten, nine. All eight. Eight eight eight oh, will this horrible year never end . When the 90s begin, were starting to see a lot of experimentation. [gunshots] all [quickly] seven, six, five, four, three, two, one [cheering] when the 90s gain, were starting to see a lot of experimentation. Five, four, three, two, one. And the simpsons was inspired by, not necessarily hatred of television, but a distrust of a lot of the ways in which television was talking to us. Tv respects me. It laughs with me, not at me. You stupid. Doh i think the Sitcoms
Greg hi, im greg gutfeld with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr. , Jesse Watters, and sandra smith, the five. He went On Libra Late Night to prove his brain works right. Joe biden leaving his cpap machine on Air Force One with an Afternoon Taping of late night with seth meyers, trying to show america how hippie can be without breaking one. As an astounding number of americans say hes blown a short circuit, his latest poll has 64 of registered voters saying they dont think biden is mentally fit for another term. And boy, did he reassure them. Hes about as old as i am but he cant remember his wifes name. Its about how old your ideas are. This is a guy who wants to take us back. Everything weve gotten done, he wants to do away with if he gets elected. And i really think his views on where to take america are older than anyway. Greg he ran out. Well, it was a race to see who fell asleep faster, the president or seths dwindling audience. Even obamas old crew aint optimistic about fixing u
that you couldn t have on network television. - people are really trying to do something adventurous. [both gasp] all: channel 7, shame on you. - this is more a celebration of culture and opening the doors and allowing america to come on inside. - there s always something on television, and some of it may be better than we deserve. - [laughs] that was cool. [dramatic music] - listen to it. oh! [crowd cheering] they know when it hits the bottom, it ll be 1990. good-bye to the 80s in. all: ten, nine. all: eight. eight! eight! eight! - oh, will this horrible year never end? - when the 90s begin, we re starting to see a lot of experimentation. [gunshots] all: [quickly] seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! [cheering] - and the simpsons, i think, in some senses was inspired by not necessarily a hatred of television but a distrust of a lot of the ways in which television was talking to us. - tv respects me. it laughs with me, not at me. - [laughing] you stupid - d oh! -
school and handing out syringes. it lets them punish assistance for crimes committed before they were born against people they don t know, in places most of them have never even been to. that is like punishing me because in the past, one of my relatives bought a red hot chili peppers record. [laughter] i can t be held accountable for every white person s atrocity. [laughter] the task force just released a report of over 1,000 pages and it is all about eliminating disparities. you know, like that one between people who own small businesses and people who loot small businesses. like between people who use a bathroom and people who pee behind trash cans. [laughter] one time. greg: yes. and it is on tape. the main recommendation of course is reparations. they want to give up to 1.2 million to each eligible california resident to make up for their ancestors being enslaved in other states. basically replacing policy with powerball. how in the world without even work? where wi