racist. that s the easiest way to avoid confronting the failures of your own ideology. that avoidance allows your failures to fester, which is why things now are dire. president obama isn t facing opposition cause of race. it s imcompetence. if it were race, peterson should explain how despite americans hating obamacare, they still like obama. he won two races. explain the outrage toward the irs. steven miller and mr. shulman aren t black. these cries of racism are as flimsy as hiltry s polls numbers, which are dropping fast. some blame benghazi, but i bet peterson has another reason. hillary is black. oops, sorry. that s just a reflex. she s a w. the fact is, as your world view crumbles, the only way to avoid reality is an excuse that smears your critics. you hate them because he s black or a lady. it s a vicious streak that let s you damage reputations just to save your own skin. and if you disagree with me,