The death of six cheetahs, including three newborn cubs, within a period of two and half months at Madhya Pradesh s Kuno National Park (KNP) has prompted the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) to form a high-level screening committee for the Centre s ambitious Project Cheetah .
The death of six cheetahs, including three newborn cubs, within a period of two and half months at Madhya Pradesh's Kuno National Park (KNP) has prompted the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) to form a high-level screening committee .
The NTCA - the nodal agency of the project - on Thursday formed a screening committee comprising of 11 members, headed by Dr. Rajesh Gopal, Secretary General of Global Tiger Forum and R. N. Mehrotra, former Principal Chief Conservator of Forest of Rajasthan.The
The NTCA - the nodal agency of the project - on Thursday formed a screening committee comprising of 11 members, headed by Dr. Rajesh Gopal, Secretary General of Global Tiger Forum and R. N. Mehrotra, former Principal Chief Conservator of Forest of Rajasthan.The