There are many things you must anticipate as a prepper. and these include emergency scenarios like societal collapse, famine or even nuclear war. These events may seem daunting, but preparing before SHTF should help you get your supplies ready in case you are one day forced to deal with a long-term survival scenario. Below are […]
An emergency or disaster can strike at any time and any place – and you may not always be around to look out for your children and/or your grandchildren. It is never too early for them to learn some basic survival skills so that they’ll know what to do in certain situations and you aren’t […]
According to this March 2nd of 2023 story over at the Institute for Energy Research story titled "Brace Yourself for Coming Electricity Shortages," anyone who still thinks the U.S. [.]
According to the most recent reliable federal count available, almost 25 percent of a million people aged 55 or older are deemed by the government to have been homeless in the U.S. during at [.]
According to an alarming National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) study, the space agency can only give a warning 30 minutes before a "killer solar storm" hits the Earth. If [.]