SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Vice President Omar Abdullah on Thursday filed his nomination papers for the Baramulla Lok Sabha constituency. Accompanied by the party s Treasurer Shammi Oberoi and senior vice president of J&K Pradesh Congress Committee G N Monga, Abdullah filed the nomination papers before Baramulla Deputy Commissioner Minga Sherpa, who is the returning officer of the
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday reviewed the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir. India News | HM Amit Shah Reviews Security Situation in J-K.
‘PM made Kashmir tourist hub from terror hub’ Elections after final voter list, other preparations are completed Gupkar Alliance laid red carpet for Pak terrorists Fayaz Bukhari SRINAGAR, Oct 5: Union Home Minister Amit Shah today ruled out holding any dialogue with Pakistan and asserted that Modi Government will wipe out terrorism from Jammu and Kashmir and make it the most peaceful place in the country. Addressing a huge rally which was attended by thousands of people in Baramulla, Shah […]