MLB The Show 21 s Jackie Robinson Edition Will Bundle PS5 and PS4 Versions, Sony Will Make $1 Donation for Every Copy Sold
MLB The Show 21’s Collector’s Edition is significant this year not just for its contents, but because of what it stands for. Sony has partnered with the Jackie Robinson Foundation, and will be donating $1 to the charity for every copy sold in the US through 31st December. However, as brand strategist Ramone Russell explains on the PlayStation Blog, this relationship runs deeper.
“The donations will establish the JRF MLB The Show Scholars supported by PlayStation Pathways program,” he writes. “Scholars will receive four-year scholarships and extensive support services, including career guidance and internship placement. It’s important for us to write more than just a cheque. The partnership with JRF will also include mentorship with PlayStation and Sony San Diego employees as well as an internship to get real world, on-the-job experience. We couldn�