criminals back on the streets. an nypd officer fighting for his listen after being ambushed by a suspect with a lengthy rap sheet. todd: dr. oscar odom, what needs to be done now to restore law and order? wdr. oscar odom, needs to be done now to restore law and order? e dr. oscar odom,t needs to be done now to restore law and order? ldr. oscar odom, what needs to be done now to restore law and order? ldr. osca what needs to be done now to restore law and order? dr. osca what needs to be done now to restore law and order? asdr. osc, what needs to be done now to restore law and order? kdr. osca odom, what needs to be done now to restore law and order? dr. o odom, what needs to be done now to restore law and order?
stop putting criminals in front of victims. ashley: a wake for officer rivera is thursday, his funeral will be friday in manhattan. back to you guys. todd: thank you, ashley. bring in oscar odom, former nypd detective. dr. odom, does the new mayor, a former cop himself, have what it takes to stop the carnage we are seeing last year and so much in his first couple weeks in office? yes, he does. he has what it takes to make sure this is put in place. let me give condolences to officer rivera s family and heart-felt to mora s family and men and women of the nypd. yes, one thing that is very important is rolling out back to anti-crime unit and show nypd is there and we re able to make these arrests and to make sure the prosecuting office is not
the days without me, right beside me, i love you until the end of time. the mayor blames the ambush on the flow of illegal guns. adams announcing he will roll out a plan this week and called on the feds to help. this is a sea of crime that is being fed by many rivers. we were able to stop terrorism in this city when state, federal and city law enforcement agencies did information shareing and deployed together. president biden heard me, understands that and placed that in place. ashley: last hour we spoke to an nypd lieutenant and here is what he had to say. mayor eric adams is calling on the federal government to do his job. we have resources, stop blaming the guns and flow of guns and hold accountable people behind the guns.
giving get out of jail free cards, this is humanity and public safety issue. carley: dr. odom, that is true, a lot of new yorkers voted for mayor adams because he said he would do things like bring back the anti-gang unit. solving crime in the city isn t entirely up to him when you have a district attorney also elected who said he will not prosecute a lot of crimes, one of them he said he wasn t going to prosecute was resisting arrest n. light of this police officer who died in new york city on friday, what goes through your mind when you hear that from the d.a.? it is alarming. it can also bring tears to one s eyes to realize men and women of the nypd go out everyday and put their lives on the line there is
upfront about this. the russians and the iranians have succeeded in propping up the assad regime indefinitely. they are not going anywhere. there is no political leverage to do anything about that. this war will end when the opposing forces are willing to put their arms down and there is no end in that. they are absolutely committed because assad and the russians and the iranians are killing and destroying their neighborhoods, their families, and their kids and everything. that is where we are. it is intractable. e. brian: general, thanks so much. we will talk to you again in depth on that. day five of a cease-fire. that means no one has died yet today. that s good news at the very least. that s very good news. brian: general, thank you. meanwhile straight ahead on this show nypd many in the mainstream media