A bit more deviations because turkey will it demands to pursue its turkey 1st so its a National Interest to me like a little bit pregnant its not. Particularly. Because its only a military audience with members of different enemies for instance or for the french people the enemy is people killing in the streets of paris for the bolan for the polish the enemy is supposed to be russia as well for the for the greeks for the. And for the government the enemy of the so its not a military alliance to be to be honest its a political audience its a way were using used by washington to control to politically reside the they really do need to get down to the 2nd most powerful military in nato which is to and they dont want to play the same. Soon then. Theres something going on in the alliance youre going things that can get out i dont think you can. Just add to some past here its not just 2 members of the same alliance these are 2 countries that tried to destroy the Syrian Government just dream