would all be horrified at. instead, he had the stroke and then he went back and saw dr. shondra again. and dr. shandra got involved. kn they put a pacemaker and ad defibrillator in and fetterman himself said that his stroke was due to a blood clot from the the heart. he that is veryart, significant, tucker, because a studusy out oj a journal called stroke, very grjournal called stroke, very over six thousand people froeamo great britain have found thatod if your blood clotart, you comeu the heart, you have about t less than 60%, a 60 percent chance, more than a 60 percent chance of either not living five yearse or having anothears r stroke win those five years. peose five years. sonn i say to the voters of pennsylvania tonight who are ready to check the box tomorrow, i think before you tom check a box, you shoulordatisti considerc a statistic like that greater than 60% chance that someone like futterman, with a heart in his condition, having had a stroke, will either have