outrage after admitting he lied about making $72 million is now apologizing, but shouldn t the press have sniffed this out sooner? greg on journalism s
outrage after admitting he lied about making $72 million is now apologizing, but shouldn t the press have sniffed this out sooner? greg on journalism s next. especially now that i live with not caused by a heart valve problem.oke due to lar i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging, could i come up with something better. my doctor told me about eliquis. for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin, there s no routine blood testing. don t stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding.
listening on the trip to spain. i think that they re actually reporting the news now, but they re the not going to get into the polls that you talked about. about how the low approval numbers. we were accustomed to wandering the campaign to barack obama getting press coverage. if he has a 42% approval rating. shouldn t the press reflect that. i think it does reflect that. when you look at the arguments about the economic policies in specific, which is the number one issue for all americans, jobs, deficit spending, the focus is there. i think that actually the media coverage is about right. when you look at where bill clinton was this stage. ronald reagan and people dealing with recessionary economies, they re the same in terms of the numbers. if you think, are they picking on barack obama. i think there s lots of that all around, including here at fox. robert gibbs, robert gibbs said some on the left need to be drug tested because of the opinions they ve expressed about the presi
listening on the trip to spain. i think that they re actually reporting the news now, but they re the not going to get into the polls that you talked about. about how the low approval numbers. we were accustomed to wandering the campaign to barack obama getting press coverage. if he has a 42% approval rating. shouldn t the press reflect that. i think it does reflect that. when you look at the arguments about the economic policies in specific, which is the number one issue for all americans, jobs, deficit spending, the focus is there. i think that actually the media coverage is about right. when you look at where bill clinton was this stage. ronald reagan and people dealing with recessionary economies, they re the same in terms of the numbers. if you think, are they picking on barack obama. i think there s lots of that all around, including here at fox. robert gibbs, robert gibbs said some on the left need to be drug tested because of the opinions they ve expressed about the presi
that s revealing because we ll see her, if confirmed, pushing lawyers in exactly is same way that i experienced as a student of hers. it can be relevant. but is it helpful to her that she s not an unknown quantity to people like you? this is a small legal world in washington and joan and i knew john roberts very well. he was on the court two years before nominated to the supreme court, i think it does enrich your reporting and analysis, helps you understand the di namices of the personality. the supreme court is a group of nine. some say historically nine skorp yans in a bottle. their skills and how they are as people can help you understand how effective they might be as justices. joan, you wrote that skepices shouldn t the press