well and asking important questions. you got called on in brussels and to ask a question at cheque chequers. were you surprised when sarah sanders gave you a question here as well? you have to be prepared for questions with president trump and a journalist should be prepared anyway so i was prepared but surprised. i figured i had gotten a couple questions so i wasn t expecting to be the first one but i it s always a privilege to have an opportunity to ask questions. certainly in this case yesterday the fact that it was both the president of the united states and the president of russia having such a historic summit, there were important questions to ask and i was happy to play a role in that. jeff, did it surprise you when the first sentence out of the president s mouth when you asked him if he holds russia responsible for anything was a both sides answer once again, akin to charlottesville? and by the way the u.s. was in his words foolish. in the first sentence. it did but m