situation but that s why the d.a. is awoke jack and it s a real test for eric adams, the new mayor who doesn t have the capacity to clear this but the hope is he has the balls because this shouldn t go on. if he doesn t reject this, he s worse than de blasio. the one thing i would say about texas, the largest county in houston, houston to some extent is not the rest of texas, it s like austin showers. greg: i was hoping you wouldn t say that. [laughter] i was a hole in my monologue. but thanks for that, jimmy. that s what you get work running down my wardrobe. greg: you livedni in a city but moved out of the city, people came because you are allowed to commune safely, you could be around people but protected, once you remove that, why would you live inbu a city?
plausibly agreed with the conduct of the people inside the capitol that day? so he is asking this question because trump and all these other people that were sued, rudy giuliani, his son, proud boys, oath keepers, are all arguing the case should get tossed out and shouldn t go on in the court and test whether it s legally viable. they are making all kinds of claims saying this can t be a conspiracy. also that trump should be totally protected because he was president at the time. that that means he has some sort of absolute immunity regarding everything that he says whenever there can be lawsuits that come up. all of these people are also arguing they have first amendment protections. meda was really tough on trump s lawyers on the conspiracy question. he didn t show his hand where he stood otherwise and we didn t get a ruling out of him yet. this is a set of important cases, an important standpoint was he has to decide whether the cases can go on and people could hold potentially trum
territory. right, in the way same issue raised when people work with trump or support the president, refuse service in restaurants, protest at their homes and shouldn t go on dancing with the stars, case of sean spicer that seems to be tolerated if not encouraged by some elements of media i would say. yeah, you know, kanye west said a lot of interesting things when he came out as a trump supporter, i think dragon energy was one of them, one thing that he said that everybody should feel free getting behind, freedom of thought, you should feel comfortable supporting any political candidate, you don t have to feel pigeon hole into supporting a certain candidate based on community or your race and debra apologized for a tweet retweet that she posted and it talked about how black people who who vote for president
territory. right, in the way same issue raised when people work with trump or support the president, refuse service in restaurants, protest at their homes and shouldn t go on dancing with the stars, case of sean spicer that seems to be tolerated if not ome elements of media i would say. yeah, you know, kanye west said a lot of interesting things when he came out as a trump supporter, i think dragon energy was one of them, one thing that he said that everybody should feel free getting behind, freedom of thought, you should feel comfortable supporting any political candidate, you don t have to feel pigeon hole into supporting a certain candidate based on community or your race and debra apologized for a tweet retweet that she posted and it talked about how black people
palm beach. part of it, i think, is they would have gotten criticized for staying saying, as people typically do with them, they are playing government. what are they doing sticking around trying to fix this government shutdown? they shouldn t be there. they shouldn t be the ones to try and solve this. they have three young children. spend it in mar-a-lago with their other cousins. they come back to washington, i believe they ll be there today. i m of the opposite opinion. jared is filling this power vacuum and having, you could call, a political moment. i worry about him legally still, but politically, he was shep herding this criminal justice reform bill. and he was on the point person team with mike pence and mick mulvaney to try to solve this government shutdown right before it happened which made it odd to me that he went to florida. if you are being the pin point person to resolve the government shutdown, perhaps you shouldn t go on a vacation during a government shutdown. th