really credibly on the inspector general and his team. there are a number of serious flaws and irregularities in the fisa process which you talked about before. those shouldn t be poo pooed or swept under the rug. the fbi is going to embrace those and commit themselves to reforms that the department of justice will support. but on the grievances of congressional republicans that asked for this investigation, that this was a witch hunt, this was an effort to foment a cue, there could not be a more utter and complete repudiation of those conspiracy theories. and the meticulousness with which the investigation was conducted is laid out in hundreds of pages for the american people to see. this is a dense report. it s 470-something pages and also single space, small type, and at times it s got so much
better and better. just because of those things happened in the past we are forged from that history. you know, those things shouldn t be taken down, shouldn t be poo-pooed and people can t co-operate them if you don t let them. this flag is a big part of our heritage. so many of my friends love this flag and don t tread on me symbol of the rattlesnake, who it is eternally vigilant and won t attack you unless proper evoked was a big symbol for the united states and still is. tucker: good reason. it s easy for you and me to say that, i mean i give my opinions for a living. you re completely out of the closet, people know what your views are, you ve taken your lumps already. people like chris pratt, not explis plis italy political, this is dangerous to be called names. very well could be. fortunately for me i m old enough to feel like, it doesn t matter to me, i ll voice my opinion. i m not racenist any way, shape,