breakthrough for mitt romney? he s ahead of his rivals in four early voting states. we have the results of the latest cnn/time/orc poll. plus, this is sure to wake you up. bp has gotten the green tlit drill in the gulf of mexico. good morning to you. it s thursday, october 27th. this is your a.m. wake-up call. wall street investors are waking up to some encouraging news to the delight of the united states and markets around the globe. unileaders have worked out a deal to resolve the debt crisis. the agreement came after ten hours of tough negotiations in brussels. as part of the plan, banks agreed to take a 50% loss on greek bonds. the region s banks also must raise about $150 billion in new capital to protect themselves from potential debt defaults. and the plan calls for expanding the region s emergency bailout fund. now this debt deal is full of complicated details which must be finalized in the coming days and weeks. joining us now from hong kong with his take on th
officials say nothing suggests an attack is imminent. they only say recent incidents reinforce the terror threat. and hope for a grand debt fix was dimmed just a bit in washington. some democrats and republicans are picking apart the latest plan with the same old complaints. liberals say it cuts social security and medicare. conservatives say it raises taxes. republicans have refused to raise the nation s debt limit without deep spending cuts and no tax increases. the deadline now is just 12 days away. somalia s president is asking the world for immediate help to feed his country s people. the united nations says more than 3.5 million somalis are threatened by famine. aide workers call the food shortage even worse than the ethiopian famine of the mid- 80s. our children need immediate action. immediate action is action today. almost half of this country s population will be sweltering in a dangerous heat wave today. hot air and high humidity will make big cities along