there are two interesting questions here? one is, should these people even be on his podcast in the first place? but the second is, if they re going to be there, how does he handle what they say? now, batya from newsweek, i definitely want to ask you about that. before we do, though, here s a little of a post that joe rogan put on instagram a few days into this story. one of the things that spotify wants to do that i agree with is that, at the beginning of these controversial podcasts, like specifically ones about covid, is to put a disclaimer and say that you should speak with your physician and that these people and the opinions that they express are contrary to the opinions of the consensus of experts, which i think is very important. sure, have that on there. i m very happy with that. also, i think if there s anything that i ve done that i could do better is have more experts with differing opinions right after i have the controversial ones. i would most certainly be open to doing