Applause for the claws Asia News Network (ANN) is the leading regional alliance of news titles striving to bring the region closer, through an active sharing of editorial content on happenings in the region.
The torch relay of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics starts on March 2 and will culminate in the lighting of the Paralympic flame in the National Stadium on March 4.
The torch relay of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics starts on Wednesday and will culminate in the lighting of the Paralympic flame in the National Stadium on Friday.
While several social media users have claimed that this year’s Olympians are competing next to a nuclear power plant, that’s not actually the case. Here’s how we fact-checked it.
Making their country proud with sports heroics beyond their years, the emergence of China's young athletes on the world stage at the Beijing Winter Olympics has inspired the nation's youths to dream big and push boundaries.