In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it has stated that this new provocative step is affecting the feelings of millions of Muslims around the world.
The Ministry said that companions cannot be added again with the issuance of an updated receipt to the Hajj applicant after confirming the cancelation process.
The exploring team toured the courtyard of the palace and the horse stable, next to which there are places for palace services such as rooms for cooking, perfumery, sewing, goldsmiths, catering and the centralized call control.
TAIF, Saudi Arabia: After a 700-kilometer trip on foot across the desert that lasted 13 days, British explorer Mark Evans and his team arrived at the historic Shoubra Palace in Taif on Friday. The Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday that Evans and his team toured the palace’s courtyard and stables, next to which there are places for palace services such as rooms for
A British explorer and his team arrived at the Shoubra Palace in Saudi Arabia’s Taif after a 13-day journey on foot, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA)