PSO’s Louis Armstrong tribute a Roaring ’20s redux
The streaming concert features jazz musician Byron Stripling, who believes we re on the brink of another cultural renaissance.
Byron Stripling performs the music of Louis Armstrong with the Portland Symphony. Armstrong’s audacious music was a product of the roaring 20s. Stripling thinks the next Louis Armstrong will emerge in years ahead.
Photo by Sean Turi, courtesy of Portland Symphony Orchestra
Byron Stripling has a hunch the 2020s will yield music and art that people a century from now will revere and cherish. Just as we look back at the Roaring ’20s of a century ago as a time of cultural swagger with the emergence of jazz, Art Deco and enlightened sensibilities, the people who follow us will treasure what we’re about to create.
The reality is far more complicated . Louis Armstrong. Photograph: Eliot Elisofon/The Life Picture Collection/Getty Images
The reality is far more complicated . Louis Armstrong. Photograph: Eliot Elisofon/The Life Picture Collection/Getty Images
Casual listeners think of him as a gentle giant of jazz, but critics and African Americans often saw him as a sell out or ‘Uncle Tom’. A new book aims to show how radical ‘Pops’ really was
Thu 17 Dec 2020 05.08 EST
Last modified on Fri 18 Dec 2020 06.15 EST
“I cannot think of another American artist who so failed his own talent. What went wrong?” asked one biographer of Louis Armstrong. “The sheer weight of his success and its attendant commercial pressures,” answered another.