Time running out to apply for extra $300 payment for some unemployed workers
Updated Dec 24, 2020;
Posted Dec 24, 2020
Time is running out for individuals unemployed in August or early September to apply for up to $300 extra in jobless benefits from the federal Lost Wages Assistance program. The deadline is 9:59 p.m. Friday.
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Individuals who were unemployed or partially unemployed for six weeks in August and September due to COVID-19 are eligible to receive up to $300 a week extra in jobless benefits but the opportunity to apply for that aid is ending soon.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency set 9:59 p.m. Friday as the deadline for applying for the Lost Wages Assistance program, according to state Department of Labor & Industry Acting Secretary Jennifer Berrier. Claims submitted after this deadline will not be approved per the federal government’s direction.
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On December 21, 2020, Congress passed a long-anticipated additional round of COVID relief legislation as part of the
Bipartisan-Bicameral Omnibus COVID Relief Deal. This relief bill provides much-needed stimulus to individuals, businesses, and hospitals in response to the economic distress caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The votes were overwhelming as the Senate passed the bill with a 92-6 vote and the House of Representatives passed it by a vote of 359-53. President Trump was widely expected to sign the legislation, but he has now stated that he will veto it unless the $600 checks sent to individuals are increased to $2,000. The legislation was passed by wide enough margins to override the veto, but it is not yet known if Congress will take that action. The future of the legislation remains uncertain for now. The relief bill was included as Division N of a larger legislative package that included govern
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
On December 21, 2020, Congress passed a long-anticipated additional round of COVID relief legislation as part of the
Bipartisan-Bicameral Omnibus COVID Relief Deal. This relief bill provides much-needed stimulus to individuals, businesses, and hospitals in response to the economic distress caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The votes were overwhelming as the Senate passed the bill with a 92-6 vote and the House of Representatives passed it by a vote of 359-53. President Trump is expected to sign the legislation into law. The relief bill was included as Division N of a larger legislative package that included government funding and other bills. The complete text of the legislative package can be found here, and it was the result of last-minute frantic negotiations. Below is a detailed summary of every provision of the COVID relief bill. You can find our Top 10 takeaways summary here.