increasing the priceeven more. retail investors buyeven more options, again, forcing the market makersto purchase more shares, pressuring shorts to close. institutional investorswill catch wind and join in. gme heads to $400 and we cash out. [music playing] this one is specialbecause we have math and great underlying be clear, this will happen whether ornot we participate, but i prefer usto be a part of history. - it was a verycompelling thesis. i had never seensomething like this before. and you know,i m no stranger to something calleda short squeeze, where all these shorts, they ve got to coveron top of each other, and you know, the price shoots to the moon. but at the same time, it alsohad a huge downside, right? - gamestop announced today it s closinghundreds of stores.
i know that if we gathertogether, there s a point here at whichwe can really push against hedge funds enoughto force them to cover. we can force the market. we can forcethis stock higher. - all these short sellersbuying back their position drives the stock higher and squeezing outall the short players from the market.that s a short squeeze. - you ve got to bereally greedy to keep shorting gamestop when it was at like $6a share or something. because that means if you reshorting at $6 a share, you re only profitingif it goes below $6. it was a post by jeffamazon, where he kind of laid outthe gamestop thesis. - i wrote this post called the greatest short burnof the century. my brother, who s an actor,is going to come and read it for me