after the spill we made two commitments. to help the gulf recover and become a safer company. we ve worked hard to honor both. bp has spent nearly 28 billion dollars so far to help the gulf economy and environment. and five years of research shows that the gulf is coming back faster than predicted. we ve toughened safety standards too. including enhanced training. and 24/7 on shore monitoring of our wells drilling in the gulf. and everyone has the power to stop a job at any time if they consider it unsafe. what happened here five years ago changed us. i m proud of the progress we ve made both in the gulf and inside bp.
that the gulf is coming back faster than predicted. we ve toughened safety standards too. including enhanced training. and 24/7 on shore monitoring of our wells drilling in the gulf. and everyone has the power to stop a job at any time if they consider it unsafe. what happened here five years ago changed us. i m proud of the progress we ve made both in the gulf and inside bp.
including enhanced training. and 24/7 on shore monitoring of our wells drilling in the gulf. and everyone has the power to stop a job at any time if they consider it unsafe. what happened here five years ago changed us. i m proud of the progress we ve made both in the gulf and inside bp. if you re looking for a car that drives you. .and takes the wheel right from your very hands. .this isn t that car. the first and only car with direct adaptive steering. the 328 horsepower q50 from infiniti.
i care deeply about the gulf. i grew up in louisiana. i went to school here. i ve been with bp ever since. today, i lead a team that sets our global safety standards. after the spill we made two commitments. to help the gulf recover and become a safer company. we ve worked hard to honor both. bp has spent nearly 28 billion dollars so far to help the gulf economy and environment. and five years of research shows that the gulf is coming back faster than predicted. we ve toughened safety standards too. including enhanced training. and 24/7 on shore monitoring of our wells drilling in the gulf. and everyone has the power to stop a job at any time if they consider it unsafe. what happened here five years ago changed us. i m proud of the progress we ve made both in the gulf and inside bp.
that the gulf is coming back faster than predicted. we ve toughened safety standards too. including enhanced training. and 24/7 on shore monitoring of our wells drilling in the gulf. and everyone has the power to stop a job at any time if they consider it unsafe. what happened here five years ago changed us. i m proud of the progress we ve made both in the gulf and inside bp. ththe design evolves,s, the engineering advances. but the passion to drive a mercedes-benz is something that is common. to every generation of enthusiast. the 2015 dream machines, from mercedes-benz. today s icons. tomorrow s legends. visit the dream machine event today for up to $3,500