On this episode of Appalachian Outdoorosity, Dr. Becki Battista a professor in App State's Department of Public Health and Exercise Science, interviews App State Exercise Science and Chemistry Alumna, Kennedy Williams about her journey toward gaining confidence and finding peace outdoors.
Show Notes
App State HOPE Lab Resource Pagehttps://hopelab.appstate.edu/resources
App State Student Orientation Undergraduate Leaders (SOUL)https://orientation.appstate.edu/workfororientation/soul
App State Outdoor Programshttps://urec.appstate.edu/outdoor-programs
Campus Nature Rx Networkhttps://www.campusnature.com/home
Hikes mentioned that are located along the Blue Ridge ParkwayLinville Gorge and Fallshttps://www.blueridgeparkway.org/poi/linville-falls/
Rough Ridge Trail on the Blue Ridge Parkway Info - This is an awesome trail to hike!
The Rough Ridge Trail is part of the Tanawa Trail. There is a parking area along the Blue Ridge Parkway called Rough Ridge - around mile post 303. See
The Norwalk school was selected as a finalist for the 2023 Excelencia Award, chosen for its work with The Village housing for students facing homelessness.
While attending school at Appalachian State Lauren Moody found her love for backpacking. On this episode of Appalachian Outdoorosity Lauren shares some of her experiences getting outside and discusses how to make the outdoors a welcoming space for all.
Show Notes
Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed
A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6KtxNqPCk7FN ggG9EZu8w
Contact Information:
Instagram handle is @laurenl m
Becki Battista
Welcome to Appalachian Outdoorosity where we encourage you to get outside and KEEP going outside. Here we will share Appalachian State stories that entertain, inspire, and inform listeners about living an active outdoor lifestyle. Each e
Joy talks cold weather adventures with two outdoor experts on this Appalachian Outdoorosity. Bob Riddle and Valerie Kankiewicz share their perspectives on the best way to prepare for and thrive in the chilliest of outdoor scenarios. Ice climbing, sweating in the snow, David Hasselhoff and last but certainly not least The Legend of the Traveling Jorts all await you! So, come on in! The water is ice.
Show Notes
App State University Recreation
How to Dress for Cold Weather, According to Outdoor Adventurers
What should you wear to run in the cold? Build an outfit with this paper doll
Welcome to the Appalachian Outdoorosity Podcast, where we encourage you to get outside and keep going outside. Here we will share Appalachian State stories that entertain, inspire and inform listeners about living an active outdoor lifestyle. Each episode features a story with the goal to get you outside and keep you going outside to improve your overall wellness. This