briefings. we ll get any new reaction from senators as they head out. but first some new movement from the january 6th committee. which former white house trump staffer they re meeting with today. plus the can t s new announcement on covid. what you should know about that government website, what he s calling a pandemic one-stop shop. stay with us. shop stay with us rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on. .with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms. rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some.rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that s rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart d