he didn t know exactly what he had, but he saw there were bales of marijuana. and as he was tracking them, they became wise to that, and they actually left their rear element behind, took cover and concealment, and the main element continued. our deputy, as he approached, the suspect popped up and started shooting ak-47 rounds, 20-30 at our deputy knowing he was a law enforcement officer. our deputy responded with his ar-15, a semiautomatic military-type rifle and his handgun and shot off an entire magazine at them and believed he hit one of the suspects. this gun battle went on for over ten minutes, so it shows you that the level of violence here has been increasing. jon: and five against one, i mean, he s lucky to be alive right now. he is. god was certainly watching over this tough deputy, louie pearl, and we re just so proud of him, happy that he s safe. and this is where all of the police chiefs in our county and