Looking for ideas for fun bachelorette parties? We have 40 unique ways to celebrate the bride-to-be with a party (or full weekend!) that she won't soon forget!
28 Dec 2020, 08:06 GMT
Santa Barbara borders some of California’s best wine country, its unique geography allowing a sea breeze to blow from the Pacific through the fertile valleys.
Photograph by Rob Stark
“Santa Barbara doesn’t do chain restaurants that’s not our jam,” says Tara Jones Haaf. “Downtown has about 400 restaurants, and pretty much all of them are family-owned.”
The establishment we’re hovering outside isn’t open yet, but Tara has connections. On her Eat This, Shoot That tour she shows guests her favourite places to eat, offering food-photography tips and samples along the way. All our stops are in the Funk Zone, a district squeezed between the ocean and Highway 101, where once-derelict warehouses have evolved into restaurants, bars, boutiques and flats.