they are not many purely electric, luxurious su, ethan, they re on the market right now, and this is the newest one, the audi, q 8 e tron. but can it be the mercedes e q s s u, v, and the like? we will find out right now. welcome to read the entry level audi q e tron is powered by a $250.00 kilowatt motor. while the s q a sport back version we tested, gets plenty of grunt from it s 370 kilowatt motor. a general driving impression in the q 8 e drawn is a really smooth then. i mean, audi cannot afford to do mistakes in this car because this is the flagship model. so you have to be smooth, but it also asked to be quite sporty since that were driving the asp version. that all so features a lot of power and you will want to feel that when you re driving and curves, you wanted to accelerate really due and you want to have a very nice handling and the car features all of this what i especially like the fact that it is very silent on the interior. of course, i can only compare it wit